We love seeing our little patients at Gower Opticians. We recommend your child has their first eye examination around the age of 3 years old if they are NOT having any problems. If your child is having any eye or vision related problems, headaches or trouble concentrating then please book them in to see us earlier.
Don’t worry if your child cannot recognise letters, there are many ways we can check vision. We have picture cards, numbers, and even cards which require no verbal input at all!
Children’s eyesight develops rapidly through early childhood so any problems, if treated early enough can have a huge impact on their development educationally and socially.
How do I know if my child has an eye problem?
You wouldn’t necessarily notice anything wrong. Some eye conditions do not display any signs or symptoms, so the only way to know for sure is to take your child for an eye examination.
What is vision screening that they have at school?
Some children (normally in Reception class) have their vision screened at school – this is a basic test, designed to pick up children who have reduced vision in one or both eyes. If reduced vision is found the child will usually be referred to an optometrist for a full eye examination. Parents may assume that their child has been screened at school but this does not happen in all areas of the country.
Eye examinations for children are FREE
Children under the age of 16 are entitled to NHS-funded sight tests so it won’t cost you anything.